Billing Addresses
Before billing, please make sure to have the right address for ProCom Ry (organization) or ProCom Oy (enterprise).
ProCom – Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan
ProCom Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan
E-invoice addresses
ProCom Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry
E-invoice address: 003702886992
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
Operator identifier when sent from the bank net: DABAFIHH
Email invoice address:
ProCom Oy
E-invoice address: 003708636214
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
Operator identifier when sent from the bank net: DABAFIHH
Email invoice address:
Business IDs
ProCom – Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry: 0288699-2
ProCom Oy: 0863621-4